





ZaynOne Direction的成員

One Direction最有印象就是Perfect

當然Drag Me Down也是經典 hahaa

不過One Direction好像都各自單飛了~





Dusk till dawn  走一種磅礡的史詩愛情路線





如果能遇到對的他 疼惜自己的他







I'll be with you from dusk till dawn我會守護你直到星辰移轉



Not tryna be indie 不要嘗試特立獨行

Not tryna be cool 不要用耍酷來掩飾

Just tryna be in this  試試吧

Tell me how you choose 告訴我你也有的一樣心情

Can you feel why you're in this 你能理解為什麼你會這樣嗎?

Can you feel it through 你能感受到它嗎?

All of the windows 所有的窗戶

Inside this room 在這個房間裡面

'Cause I wanna touch you, baby 因為我想輕撫你,親愛的

And I wanna feel you, too 我也想要你

I wanna see the sunrise and your sins 我想看日出照耀你的罪過

Just me and you 在我和你面前

Light it up, on the run 陽光灑落而我們還在逃亡

Let's make love, tonight 讓我們今晚纏綿吧

Make it up, fall in love, try 彌補過去,墜入愛河,嘗試吧

But you'll never be alone 但你永遠不會孤單

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn 我會陪伴你渡過黃昏到黎明

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn  我會守護你直到星辰移轉

Baby, I'm right here  寶貝,我就在這兒

I'll hold you when things go wrong     當事情出錯時,我也會將你緊緊擁入

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn  我會陪伴你渡過黃昏到黎明

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn  我會守護你直到星辰移轉

Baby, I'm right here  寶貝,我就在這兒

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn     我會陪伴你渡過黃昏到黎明

Baby, I'm right here  寶貝,我就在這兒

We were shut like a jacket 我們像夾克上的拉鍊

So do your zip 如此的契合

We will roll down the rapids 我們將沿著急流滾下去

To find a wave that fits 尋找適合我們的波浪

Can you feel where the wind is 你能感受到風的位置嗎?

Can you feel it through 你能感受到它嗎?

All of the windows 所有的窗戶

Inside this room 在這個房間裡面

'Cause I wanna touch you, baby 因為我想輕撫你,親愛的

I wanna feel you, too 我也想要你

I wanna see the sunrise and your sins 我想看日出照耀你的罪過

Just me and you 在我和你面前

Light it up, on the run 陽光灑落而我們還在逃亡

Let's make love tonight 讓我們今晚纏綿吧

Make it up, fall in love, try 彌補過去,墜入愛河,嘗試吧

But you'll never be alone 但你永遠不會孤單

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn 我會陪伴你渡過黃昏到黎明

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn  我會守護你直到星辰移轉

Baby, I'm right here 寶貝,我就在這兒

I'll hold you when things go wrong 當事情出錯時,我會抱著你

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn  我會陪伴你渡過黃昏到黎明

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn  我會守護你直到星辰移轉

Baby, I'm right here  寶貝,我就在這兒

Girl, give love to your body 女孩,請好好愛惜你的身體

It's only you that can stop it 只有你才能阻止它

Girl, give love to your body 女孩,請好好愛惜你的身體

It's only you that can stop it 只有你才能阻止它

Girl, give love to your body 女孩,請好好愛惜你的身體

It's only you that can stop it 只有你才能阻止它

Girl, give love to your body 女孩,請好好愛惜你的身體

Girl, give love to your body 女孩,請好好愛惜你的身體

But you'll never be alone 但你永遠不會孤單

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn 我會陪伴你渡過黃昏到黎明

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn  我會守護你直到星辰移轉

Baby, I'm right here  寶貝,我就在這兒

I'll hold you when things go wrong 當事情出錯時,我也會將你緊緊擁入

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn  我會陪伴你渡過黃昏到黎明

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn  我會守護你直到星辰移轉

Baby, I'm right here 寶貝,我就在這兒

I'll be with you from dusk till dawn 我會陪伴你渡過黃昏到黎明

Baby, I'm right here  寶貝,我就在這兒

    sia zayn lyrics
    創作者 這蔚小姐 的頭像


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